Student Workshops
The Energy Bus for Schools Leadership Journey is proud to offer Workshops for Kindergarten–12th grade students.
These innovative experiences allow students as young as 5 years of age to sit in the Driver’s Seat and Create a Positive Vision for their personal and academic success. Teachers will also benefit from these engagements as they listen and observe the practices being used and discussed while considering ways to integrate these ideas into their daily lessons.
These workshops allow students and adults to join together in their learning and leadership by taking 100% responsibility for their thoughts, behaviors and attitudes; setting goals that will empower them to create the life of their dreams while considering behaviors that will help them achieve their desired outcomes; and enhance their communication skills by applying good listening, speaking, and presenting strategies.
“Very applicable and motivating.”
Topics Include:
You’re The Driver Workshop
During this session, students will experience the power of positive leadership as they learn what it means to be a leader in their school, home, and community. Students will engage in exercises that will allow them to understand that they are the Drivers of their Bus and by taking 100% responsibility for their attitude, behavior and actions they can take their bus wherever they want it to go. Students will understand that you don’t need a title or a position to lead, only a desire to enact change and the courage to make it happen. Students walk away inspired to use the power of choice to make better decisions in their personal and academic lives.
Creating A Positive Vision Workshop
During this session, students will experience the power of goal setting and how being intentional about our thoughts and desires will lead to successful outcomes. Students will understand the importance of positive thinking and how to create a positive vision in their personal and academic lives. Students that attend this workshop will take away a You’re the Driver Goal Setting Guide which will help them monitor and track their personal progress as they learn to communicate their goals, progress, and success to others.
Drive With Purpose Workshop
During this session, students will learn to lead with purpose. Students will have an opportunity to reflect on their personal strengths and discuss opportunities as they consider ways they wish to serve others and their community. Each of our students come with special gifts and talents, this seminar will help students discover their personal desires while living in their purpose.
Timeframe Recommendations For Each Age-Group Can Be Adjusted And Discussed According To The Age And Stage Of Development Of The Student Group.